Glazed terra cotta with oil paint, part of larger assemblage of contemporary “Herms” including salvaged packing material.
Ceramic size approx. 3”high x 1.5” wide

Glazed terra cotta with oil paint, part of larger assemblage of contemporary “Herms” including salvaged packing material.
Ceramic size approx. 3” high x 3” wide

oil on insulation foam with pins, beads, brass sequins, gaff tape and frayed tyvek frame. foam image is 4 x 6”, total object 7 x 9”
price available upon request

glazed terra cotta figure on insulation-foam iceberg with foam hat and textbook. 8”h x 5.5”w x 9”d
price available upon request

Glazed terra cotta with oil paint, insulation-foam hat, book and glacier. Seated in front of studio painting in progress. Sculpture approx. 7” h x 6” w incl. foam glacier

Quilted etchings, coffee bags, contact paper, masking tape, sushi grass, mylar and vinyl
40” w x 26”h

Sewn landscape: etching blotter tissue stitched on etching blotter paper with mylar and thread
22.5” w x 15” h

Flashe paint on salvaged 1/2” corrugated cardboard mounted on pink insulation-foam frame
47” w x 35” h

Flashe paint on salvaged corrugated cardboard
24” w x 37” h

Flashe paint on salvaged cardboard with packing tape
28” w x 40.5” h

Flashe paint on chipboard
27”w x 29.5” h
Private Collection

Multi-Media on Refuse

Tree and pedestal on two cardboard panels
approx. 5” w X 14” h

Marker and colored pencil on IKEA packaging
approx 5” w x 14” h

prototype for leaves/trees made from coffee bags.
approx. 3” w x 5” h

Glazed terra cotta with oil paint, part of larger assemblage of contemporary “Herms” including salvaged packing material.
Ceramic size approx. 3”high x 1.5” wide
Glazed terra cotta with oil paint, part of larger assemblage of contemporary “Herms” including salvaged packing material.
Ceramic size approx. 3” high x 3” wide
oil on insulation foam with pins, beads, brass sequins, gaff tape and frayed tyvek frame. foam image is 4 x 6”, total object 7 x 9”
price available upon request
glazed terra cotta figure on insulation-foam iceberg with foam hat and textbook. 8”h x 5.5”w x 9”d
price available upon request
Glazed terra cotta with oil paint, insulation-foam hat, book and glacier. Seated in front of studio painting in progress. Sculpture approx. 7” h x 6” w incl. foam glacier
Quilted etchings, coffee bags, contact paper, masking tape, sushi grass, mylar and vinyl
40” w x 26”h
Sewn landscape: etching blotter tissue stitched on etching blotter paper with mylar and thread
22.5” w x 15” h
Flashe paint on salvaged 1/2” corrugated cardboard mounted on pink insulation-foam frame
47” w x 35” h
Flashe paint on salvaged corrugated cardboard
24” w x 37” h
Flashe paint on salvaged cardboard with packing tape
28” w x 40.5” h
Flashe paint on chipboard
27”w x 29.5” h
Private Collection
Multi-Media on Refuse
Tree and pedestal on two cardboard panels
approx. 5” w X 14” h
Marker and colored pencil on IKEA packaging
approx 5” w x 14” h
prototype for leaves/trees made from coffee bags.
approx. 3” w x 5” h